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Today is the Best Day to Stop A Dryer Fire! 

The top reason our homes catch on fire is because of lint that is inside our dryers, over the last 15 year years we have stopped thousands of dryer fires from happening and we are on a mission to stop at least 10 thousand more.  
Dryer Maintenance includes the following:

  • Clean the dryer wall vent

  • Disassemble the dryer

  • Vacuum and clean out the dryer removing all lint and dust. 

  • Clean and lubricate the wheels, pully and the inside system.

  • Inspect the parts for wear and tear including the belt and heating system.

  • Take Before and After Photos 


  1. Lower your risk of a dryer fire for 12+ months

  2. Set up your dryer to last a minimum of 30% so you do not need to replace it. 

  3. Get discounted repairs on your dryer for an entire year. 

  4. Protect those who you love to not go through what Megan did. 

For a limited time, this will apply to any repair or maintenance that will need to be completed. 

Stop Dryer Fires in Your Home Today!

Todays Savings


Normal Cost 


Today Only!


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